Price adjustments
Over the past year and a half, organizations around the world have felt the concerns, constraints and economic consequence of the pandemic in the global supply chain. After careful consideration by Markforged, the decision was made to adjust the prices of machines.
On Saturday, 18 December 2021, the prices of the Markforged 3D printing machines will increase. All orders with POs accepted on or before December 17, 2021 will be delivered at current prices.
It is certainly worth pushing the order of your investment; we are happy to make you a great offer.

Print benefits!
Every year in December we renew the demonstration machines at all our branches. These machines bring a lot of value for money. Each machine comes with the remaining (or new) Markforged Success Plan that covers all parts, most consumables, service, support and technical assistance until the end of the term.
Huge discounts are currently available on Markforged demonstration machines used by Mark3D this year.
All machines include:
– Parts Warranty
– On-site delivery, including transportation, installation, user instructions and commissioning.
– Free Starter Kit, including Onyx, Fibers worth €529,-
– Free technical support
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