Smooth TPU 95A

What is Smooth TPU?

Smooth TPU 95A is a rubber-like material that when used with Markforged composite printers offers product developers and manufacturers the ability to create flexible, impact-absorbent parts on demand.

Manufacturers have historically struggled to produce flexible parts in low volumes. Conventional methods to make custom geometries in these materials generally require one-off tooling, driving high start-up costs and long lead times. Few, if any, 3D printing systems can produce viable parts with the consistency and mechanical properties required for production.

Flexible parts

Markforged Smooth TPU 95A now offers manufacturers the ability to make high quality, flexible parts – on demand. Manufacturers can now make anything from prototype consumer products all the way to production parts on an easy-to-use and reliable platform.

New opportunities with Smooth TPU 95A

  • Seals and gaskets
  • Shock absorbers
  • Protective coverings
  • Straps, bands, and drive belts
  • Non-marring work holding and grips
  • Wheels and treads

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Feel the strength of continuous fiber for yourself.


Learn more about the applications with the Desktop Series!

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Practical Examples

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AM on the Production-Line

This white paper provides structure and clarity to that task by demonstrating strategies and applications for integrating high strength AM opportunities on the manufacturing floor.