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Mark3D UK - Markforged partner for 3D printers in the UK
Mark3D UK - Markforged partner for 3D printers in the UK


About Ian Weston

I've been helping Engineers improve their businesses for a long time now and really enjoy it. I'm especially enjoying my meetings looking at how 3D printing will help in this area.

Painting Onyx

September’s blog talks about applying finishes to Onyx parts. Faced with a question I couldn’t answer from a customer, I disappeared off home for the weekend with the challenge of spraying one of the showroom samples a metal colour. Having sprayed plastic before I was aware that there are problems getting paint to adhere to [...]

2018-09-17T12:19:14+01:00September 17th, 2018|General|0 Comments

Have you ever thought about printing a living hinge?

This blog takes a look at how to print a living hinge, which are really simple and very robust. We've bent ours literally thousands of times and it doesn't show any signs of wear or discolouration. There are plenty of applications which suit it very nicely, such as rugged cases, electrical control boxes, enclosures and [...]

2018-09-17T12:21:30+01:00August 22nd, 2018|General|0 Comments

MARK3D at AU London – Trust us, ‘It’s not just another 3D printer’

At Autodesk University London, we challenged delegates to see if they could break one of our 3D printed, carbon-fibre embedded Ducati brake levers. We picked the strongest-looking engineers from the crowd and challenged them to bust the lever made from a Markforged 3D printer. Ian Weston from Markforged reseller MARK3D says, “We asked them to [...]

2018-09-17T11:46:49+01:00July 19th, 2018|General|0 Comments

Assembly aids and hand tools made easy

As you can see from the prototype stage video above engineers can now make assembly aids and simple hand tools very easily. The particular application you are looking at was developed by one of our customers to help with the assembly of their connectors in tight places, such as the engine bays of [...]

2018-09-17T11:56:03+01:00July 6th, 2018|Case Study|0 Comments

Carbon Fibre delivers high strength for industrial parts

Strength challenge conducted by Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, using Markforged carbon fibre 3d printed chain links Do you want prototypes and end parts that are as strong as aluminium but don’t take weeks to fabricate? More and more companies are turning to a 3D printed continuous carbon fibre composite that can [...]

2018-09-17T11:48:25+01:00July 6th, 2018|General|0 Comments

3D Printed Carbon Fibre Drone Components Part 2

Writer’s Note: Last week we introduced the 3DR Iris+ drone upgrade project we were working on. This week, we’re diving into some of the modifications we had to make to the electrical system that make the upgrade with high strength 3D printed replacement parts possible. Follow along as our 3D printed carbon fibre drone becomes [...]